Elm Social Media Club

Unleash Your Potential

Feeling overwhelmed by the fast-paced world of social media? Want to stay ahead of the curve? Elm Social Media Club is specifically designed for small businesses, providing practical and straightforward social media courses and monthly memberships to keep you learning and on the pulse with all things social media.

Go From Zero to Social Media Hero

Join the club and ace your socials

Clubhouse Membership

If you’re a small business owner or run the marketing at your workplace, you’ll want to be part of the Elm Clubhouse! It’s the perfect spot to stay in the know about social media trends, algorithm updates, and a space to get personalised tips and tricks from Anna and Emma – your expert marketers. As a Clubhouse member, you’ll get to join monthly live chats and even get discounts on all of the Elm Social Media Club courses. Cool, right?

The Basics of Social Media

Are you a small business owner that’s ready to take your business to the next level with the power social media? Then this 6-month course is just for you! Every week, you’ll get bite-sized videos packed with actionable tips and tricks that you can start using right away. We’ll teach you the basics of using social media channels to grow your business and stay ahead in an ever-changing digital world.
Coming soon!

Plus the Extras

Are you in need of a more personalised touch for your social media strategy? Perhaps you’re a social media pro, but need someone to hold you accountable for your progress? Or maybe you just want to brainstorm with a seasoned social media expert?  If you’re interested in learning how we can help you, give us a shout!

Learn How to Skyrocket Your Social Media Presence.

Are you a small business owner that’s ready to take your business to the next level with the power social media? Then this 6-month course is just for you! Every week, you’ll get bite-sized videos packed with actionable tips and tricks that you can start using right away. We’ll teach you the basics of using social media channels to grow your business and stay ahead in an ever-changing digital world. Coming soon!