If you’ve found yourself sifting through various media channels trying to find the right one for marketing your business — you won’t be the first or the last. While social media is such an incomparable tool when it comes to getting your brand out there and communicating your message, it can also be an incredibly overwhelming space to be in. Especially if you’re a little newer to the digital sphere. It’s pretty easy to get lost when it feels like there is a new platform popping up daily and its features are constantly changing. So while we know the information we’re about to share with you might cause you to do a bit of an eye-roll, trust us, it’s worth having a look into.

Discord — you may have never heard of it, know about it but think of it as a whole other world for tech whizzes, or it’s piqued your interest but you just don’t get it. Bare with us, but we think it does have a fair amount of potential to replace Facebook private groups as a way to connect and communicate with your audience. Let’s start with the basics.

what is it?

Since this platform hit the market, it took off. One of the fastest-growing social networks yet, it’s basically a hive of chat forums where people from all over the world can share and discuss a particular topic. From fashion to sport, business and private conversations between family and friends, if you’re interested in talking about something, you can do it on Discord. Because of its wide reach and the sole purpose of it being a place where people can be a part of a chat room, it offers huge opportunities for businesses to build communities and integrate with their audience.

How to use it?

Because no one really controls Discord, it can open spaces up to some pretty meaningful interaction, as well as some not-so-desirable things. The idea that it is a place for democracy to operate means that businesses can interact with their audience more freely and without restrictions, but it does mean there’s a responsibility placed on the business to monitor and moderate what is said in the chat room (known as a discord server). At the same time, it also gives creators of the discord server a lot more power, like being able to see some details about where the messages are coming from, which definitely comes in handy if you ever have to report bad or inappropriate content. 

You can also set rules for your discord server, which users must agree to abide by if they want to be a part of the conversation. If you’ve got multiple people in your business you want to moderate the discord server, you can give them different levels of access so you’re not having to do all the admin yourself. This also means you can determine what level of access everyone in the chat has, so for example, if they can add people to the chat or whether or not they’re allowed access to different categories within it. If you don’t want the pressure of moderating it 24/7, you can also automate messages in situations where maybe a new member joins or sends a question to the chat. The bottom line is, there are plenty of ways to control how your business’s discord server operates. 

Whether you’re an avid discord user or are just starting out, once you get your head around it, the benefits could be a real gamechanger for your business. If you’re still feeling a little lost about what it all could mean for you, do some of your own research and take your time at making sense of it. This resource is a really great one to get you started https://bit.ly/3JQXDKB.


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