We’re not gonna lie, we’re just a teeny tiny little bit seriously excited to be publishing our first blog on our new and improved website. It’s finally here, and we think it looks pretty darn cool if we do say so ourselves. But more importantly, we’re even more stoked to finally be able to share it with our favourite people — our clients!
While our old website did the job, a whole lot has happened for us at Elm in the past year and a bit, so naturally, being who we are as people (some would say crazy, we say ambitiously creative), we scrapped our website and built something entirely different. Because just like our clients, our business is growing, and considering that’s our whole motto, we’re going to take that as a win.
Grow your business
Whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or have come across our website thanks to our tactical marketing (cheeky plug), we want to start by saying welcome — things look a little different around here either way. When Elm was first launched by our founder Emma Lindsay, the vision was to be a tailor-made marketing agency for growing and emerging businesses. You might be wondering why we chose to make this our target audience, and the simple answer is that no other marketing company in Southland like this existed.
There are so many innovative businesses in our region that just need a wee leg up, and we wanted to be the people to do just that. Basically, we’re here for the little guy, as well as the not-so-little guy that’s looking to grow their business but is stumped when it comes to how.
Since we emerged, we’ve built a steady flow of clients who we are super lucky to consider our friends, have celebrated our first birthday, added members to our killer team, and have done it all through a bunch of global pandemic lockdowns. It’s been a lot, but crickey have we enjoyed the ride so far.
Boost your marketing
With the inevitable uncertainty of how things will pan out while good old Covid-19 is still lurking around, we’ve chosen to just keep trucking along and doing what we do best — putting your business at front and centre stage. We want to share our expertise in research and marketing strategies with you, come up with a plan, and then implement it for long-term sustainability. Then, instead of locking you into something you can’t manage, we’d rather equip you with the tools to do what you can yourself and if you still need us, we’ll be more than happy to manage the rest.
So whether you’re looking for a total rebrand, a basic website revamp, your social media accounts managed, or want to really boost your business through all the advertising tools the digital age has to offer, let us be your go-to.
If we’ve made your ears prop up even just a little, drop us a line, a direct message, or even just pop in — you know, the “old fashioned’’ way — and we’ll sit down over coffee for half an hour or so to chat about what we can do for you.
We can’t wait to hear from you.
Are you ready for us to lend a hand? Contact us here.