Buyer Persona: What Is It?

Is it Larry, the 27-year-old young professional who bikes to work every day, only uses Instagram just before bed, and loves fast, healthy meals because he doesn’t have the time to fluff around? Or is it Jane, the 54-year-old who’s taken a step back from full-time work, is learning yoga, and likes things that are simple and hassle-free? You may be wondering where we’re heading with this — we’re talking about the buyer persona In our previous article, Do You Really Know Your Audience? we went into depth about what a target audience is, and how to establish who yours is in order to market your product or service most effectively and efficiently. Now you may be thinking these two concepts sound incredibly similar. In a sense, they are. But the difference is that your target audience is a group of people, while your buyer persona is a fictional individual who represents your target audience as a whole.

Know your client

The reason why we create buyer personas in marketing is to have a “person” in mind that embodies all the characteristics of our best potential customers. In a sense, it’s a creation of your ideal customer that you can use for reference whenever you’re making marketing decisions. You can give this persona a name, demographic details, interests and behavioural traits, even a face. You’ll also know their exact pain point and what challenge they want to overcome. Because it’s so easy to get caught up in focusing on your business’s latest engagement rates and the success of your campaigns, creating a buyer persona helps you to re-centre your thinking, and reminds you to put your audience’s wants and needs ahead of your own. At the same time, this persona needs to be based on real-world data, not just what you think it is that your audience wants.

Connect with your audience

One thing we really try to avoid in our own marketing is using a whole lot of buzz words and sales speak to communicate with our clients. Real people want real human interaction, so throwing gimmicky sentences at them and expecting them to connect with it just isn’t going to work. By having a buyer persona, it helps you remain grounded in the way you market to your audience. When your buyer persona is at the forefront of your mind at every step of your marketing strategy, you’re going to achieve more rewarding results — both as a business and as a person. When you know exactly who your ideal customer is, it also means that you’re able to target your social ads a whole lot better. These days, you can choose from almost every detail in the book when it comes to picking who you want to target your ad to — from their age, to their screen time habits, and even the other things they’ve searched for. We know, sort of creepy. But it does have a lot of benefits for both parties. Like we discussed in our blog about target audiences, there’s plenty of online tools you can utilise to gather data and analysis to form your buyer persona. In a nutshell, when you know what your ideal customer or buyer persona wants, you’ll start to notice a better return on investment for your business. Plus, if you notice your engagement slipping, you can always backtrack and see what’s working and what isn’t. That way, you can really narrow your audience down and tailor your marketing to reach the right people, and then build a sustainable relationship from there.   Read enough? Contact us here. 
